I had the honour of capturing these two sweethearts in the studio yesterday and it was sooo much fun! The shoot was vintage styled with balloons and lollipops… I don’t think I was the only one who enjoyed myself.
I had the honour of capturing these two sweethearts in the studio yesterday and it was sooo much fun! The shoot was vintage styled with balloons and lollipops… I don’t think I was the only one who enjoyed myself.
Little girls are just angels who haven’t yet spread their wings.
Author Unknown
Miss k is such a sweet little angel and justifiably her parents pride and joy. I finally got to put my blankets to good use, and I’m very proud to say that I made miss K’s dainty pink headband myself. Amazing what you can do with a heap of determination and a husband willing to thread a needle for you!
Everything grows rounder and wider and weirder, and I sit here in the middle of it all and wonder who in the world you will turn out to be.
Carrie Fisher
I had such a wonderful time with this radiantly beautiful mommy-to-be. It never ceases to amaze me how much love a mother can have for a person they have yet to meet, and like his mommy, I can’t wait to meet the new addition.
I took full advantage of the long weekend, Jessca’s sprained foot and resulting inability to run away from the camera…. Normally she gives me “paparazzi hands” so that I can’t see her face every time she sees a camera pointed in her general direction. Yes, I’m THAT mother, what can I say? I love taking photo’s of my little girls.
Carmen is three months old ALREADY and it’s time to update her baby book with new photos. What else would I do with a long weekend?
Its always wonderful to be allowed to capture this very special time in a couples life together, the short intake of breath, the momentary pause before two becomes three…